Text Format¶
Code Metadata¶
Code Metadata items appear in the text format as custom annotations, and are considered attached to the first instruction that follows them.
\def\mathdef124#1{{}}\mathdef124{code metadata annotation} & \href{text.html#text-codemetadata}{\mathtt{codemetadataannot}}(\mathtt{T}) &::=&
\def\mathdef164#1{\mbox{‘}\mathtt{#1}\mbox{’}}\mathdef164{(@metadata.code.T}~\mathit{data}{:}\mathtt{T}~\def\mathdef165#1{\mbox{‘}\mathtt{#1}\mbox{’}}\mathdef165{)} \\
Where T is the format name of the item, and data is a byte string containing the same payload as in the binary format.