WebAssembly computation is performed by executing individual instructions.
Numeric Instructions¶
Numeric instructions are defined in terms of the generic numeric operators. The mapping of numeric instructions to their underlying operators is expressed by the following definition:
And for conversion operators:
Where the underlying operators are partial, the corresponding instruction will trap when the result is not defined. Where the underlying operators are non-deterministic, because they may return one of multiple possible NaN values, so are the corresponding instructions.
For example, the result of instruction
Push the value
to the stack.
No formal reduction rule is required for this instruction, since
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is defined, then:Let
be a possible result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is defined, then:Let
be a possible result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is defined:Let
be a possible result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Reference Instructions¶
Push the value
to the stack.
No formal reduction rule is required for this instruction, since the
Assert: due to validation, a reference value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.If
is , then:Push the value
to the stack.
Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the function address .Push the value
to the stack.
Vector Instructions¶
Most vector instructions are defined in terms of generic numeric operators applied lane-wise based on the shape.
For example, the result of instruction
Push the value
to the stack.
No formal reduction rule is required for this instruction, since
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, three values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the concatenation of the two sequences and .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Assert: due to validation, for all
in it holds that .Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the concatenation of the two sequences and .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
be the type .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the type .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the type .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push
on the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is defined:Let
be a possible result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the bit width of value type .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the concatenation of the two sequences and .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the concatenation of the two sequences and .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .If
is , then:Let
be the sequence .
be the sequence .
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the concatenation of the two sequences and .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .If
is , then:Let
be the sequence .Let
be the sequence .
be the sequence .Let
be the sequence .
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
onto the stack.
Assert: due to syntax,
.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
Parametric Instructions¶
Assert: due to validation, a value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, two more values (of the same value type) are on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is not , then:Push the value
back to the stack.
Push the value
back to the stack.
In future versions of WebAssembly,
Variable Instructions¶
Assert: due to validation,
be the value .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
exists.Assert: due to validation, a value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Replace
with the value .
Assert: due to validation, a value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the global address .Assert: due to validation,
be the global instance .Let
be the value .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the global address .Assert: due to validation,
be the global instance .Assert: due to validation, a value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Replace
with the value .
Validation ensures that the global is, in fact, marked as mutable.
Table Instructions¶
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is not smaller than the length of , then:Trap.
be the value .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation, a reference value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is not smaller than the length of , then:Trap.
Replace the element
with .
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Let
be the length of .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Let
be the length of .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a reference value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the value , for which is .Either:
If growing
by entries with initialization value succeeds, then:
Push the value
to the stack. Else:
Push the value
to the stack.
push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a reference value is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
is , then:Return.
Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is larger than the length of or is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
, then:
, then:
Push the value
to the stack. Push the value
to the stack. Execute the instruction
. Execute the instruction
. Assert: due to the earlier check against the table size,
. Push the value
to the stack. Assert: due to the earlier check against the table size,
. Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to the earlier check against the table size,
. Push the value
to the stack. Assert: due to the earlier check against the table size,
. Push the value
to the stack.
Execute the instruction
Execute the instruction
. Push the value
to the stack. Push the value
to the stack.
Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation,
be the element address .Assert: due to validation,
be the element instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is larger than the length of or is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
, then:Return.
be the reference value .Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
.Assert: due to the earlier check against the table size,
.Push the value
to the stack.Assert: due to the earlier check against the segment size,
.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the element address .Assert: due to validation,
with .
Memory Instructions¶
The alignment
and ¶
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is not part of the instruction, then:
be the bit width of number type .
If both
is and modulo is not equal to , then:
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
be .Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the integer for which .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is , then:
is larger than the length of , then:
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the integer for which .Let
be the integer .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is , then:
is larger than the length of , then:
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the integer for which .Let
be the integer .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is , then:
is larger than the length of , then:
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the integer for which .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the constant for which .Let
be .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
and ¶
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .If
is not part of the instruction, then:Let
be the bit width of number type .
If both
is and modulo is not equal to , then:
be the result of computing .Let
be the byte sequence .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Replace the bytes
with .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
be .Perform the action
to write the bytes to data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the integer .Let
be .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Replace the bytes
with .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to write the bytes to data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .If
is , then:Let
be the length of .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be divided by the page size.Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be the value , for which is .If
is , then:Else:
Either successfully grow the memory:
be multiplied by the page size. Perform the action
to update the current length of the shared memory instance at memory address to . Perform the action
to append zero bytes to the end of the shared memory instance at memory address . Let
be divided by the page size. Push the value
to the stack. Or indicate failure:
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address . Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
, then:Return.
Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
.Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of or is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .
is larger than or is larger than , then:Trap.
, then:
, then:
Push the value
to the stack. Push the value
to the stack. Execute the instruction
. Execute the instruction
. Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
. Push the value
to the stack. Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
. Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
. Push the value
to the stack. Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
. Push the value
to the stack. Execute the instruction
. Execute the instruction
. Push the value
to the stack. Push the value
to the stack.
Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .Assert: due to validation,
be the data address .Assert: due to validation,
be the data instance .Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of or is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .
is larger than the length of or is larger than , then:Trap.
, then:Return.
be the byte .Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
.Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
.Push the value
to the stack.Assert: due to the earlier check against the memory size,
.Push the value
to the stack.Push the value
to the stack.Execute the instruction
Assert: due to validation,
be the data address .Assert: due to validation,
with the data instance .
Atomic Memory Instructions¶
The rules are identical to non-atomic loads, except that
The rules are identical to non-atomic stores, except that
is not part of the instruction, then:Let
be the bit width of value type .
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be .If
modulo is not equal to , then:Trap.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Assert: due to validation,
be the memory instance .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
be chosen to represent bytes of memory at location of .
be the integer for which .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the byte sequence .If
is , then:Replace the bytes
with .
Perform the atomic action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address and replace them with bytes .
Push the value
to the stack.
is not part of the instruction, then:Let
be the bit width of value type .
Assert: due to validation, two values of value type
are on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be .If
modulo is not equal to , then:Trap.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Let
be the memory instance .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
be the byte sequence .
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
be chosen to represent bytes of memory at location of .
be the integer for which .Let
be the result of computing .If
equals , then:Let
be the result of computing .Let
be the byte sequence .If
is , then:Replace the bytes
with .
Perform the atomic action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address and replace them with bytes .
is , then:Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .
be the result of computing .Push the value
to the stack.
be 32.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be .If
modulo is not equal to , then:Trap.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Let
be the memory instance .If
is , then:If
is larger than the length of , then:Trap.
Push the value
to the stack.
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to notify threads (up to ) waiting at data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .Push the value
to the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.
Pop the value
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.Let
be .If
modulo is not equal to , then:Trap.
Assert: due to validation,
be the memory address .Let
be the memory instance .If
is , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read the length of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is larger than , then:Trap.
Perform the action
to read bytes from data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .If
is equal to then:Let
be .Perform the action
to register the current thread as waiting for a signal at data offset of the shared memory instance at memory address .Execute the instruction
Push the value
to the stack.
Either the thread has been notified by an
action performed in another thread:Perform the action
.Push the value
to the stack.
is less than :The thread remains suspended.
Either the thread’s suspension times out:
Perform the action
.Push the value
to the stack.
Or the thread remains suspended.
Perform the action
Control Instructions¶
Do nothing.
Assert: due to validation,
is defined.Let
be the function type .Let
be the label whose arity is and whose continuation is the end of the block.Assert: due to validation, there are at least
values on the top of the stack.Pop the values
from the stack.Enter the block
with label .
Assert: due to validation,
is defined.Let
be the function type .Let
be the label whose arity is and whose continuation is the start of the loop.Assert: due to validation, there are at least
values on the top of the stack.Pop the values
from the stack.Enter the block
with label .
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is non-zero, then:Execute the block instruction
Execute the block instruction
Assert: due to validation, the stack contains at least
be the -th label appearing on the stack, starting from the top and counting from zero.Let
be the arity of .Assert: due to validation, there are at least
values on the top of the stack.Pop the values
from the stack.Repeat
times:While the top of the stack is a value, do:
Pop the value from the stack.
Assert: due to validation, the top of the stack now is a label.
Pop the label from the stack.
Push the values
to the stack.Jump to the continuation of
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is non-zero, then:Execute the instruction
Do nothing.
Assert: due to validation, a value of value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is smaller than the length of , then:Let
be the label .Execute the instruction
Execute the instruction
be the arity of .Assert: due to validation, there are at least
values on the top of the stack.Pop the results
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, the stack contains at least one frame.
While the top of the stack is not a frame, do:
Pop the top element from the stack.
Assert: the top of the stack is the frame
.Pop the frame from the stack.
to the stack.Jump to the instruction after the original call that pushed the frame.
Assert: due to validation,
be the function address .Invoke the function instance at address
Assert: due to validation,
be the table address .Assert: due to validation,
be the table instance .Assert: due to validation,
be the function type .Assert: due to validation, a value with value type
is on the top of the stack.Pop the value
from the stack.If
is not smaller than the length of , then:Trap.
be the reference .If
is , then:Trap.
Assert: due to validation of table mutation,
is a function reference.Let
be the function reference .Assert: due to validation of table mutation,
be the function instance .Let
be the function type .If
and differ, then:Trap.
Invoke the function instance at address
The following auxiliary rules define the semantics of executing an instruction sequence that forms a block.
Entering with label ¶
to the stack.Jump to the start of the instruction sequence
No formal reduction rule is needed for entering an instruction sequence,
because the label
Exiting with label ¶
When the end of a block is reached without a jump or trap aborting it, then the following steps are performed.
Pop all values
from the top of the stack.Assert: due to validation, the label
is now on the top of the stack.Pop the label from the stack.
back to the stack.Jump to the position after the
of the structured control instruction associated with the label .
This semantics also applies to the instruction sequence contained in a
Function Calls¶
The following auxiliary rules define the semantics of invoking a function instance through one of the call instructions and returning from it.
Invocation of function address ¶
Assert: due to validation,
be the function instance, .Let
be the function type .Let
be the list of value types .Let
be the expression .Assert: due to validation,
values are on the top of the stack.Pop the values
from the stack.Let
be the frame .Push the activation of
with arity to the stack.Let
be the label whose arity is and whose continuation is the end of the function.Enter the instruction sequence
with label .
Returning from a function¶
When the end of a function is reached without a jump (i.e.,
be the arity of the activation of .Assert: due to validation, there are
values on the top of the stack.Pop the results
from the stack.Assert: due to validation, the frame
is now on the top of the stack.Pop the frame from the stack.
back to the stack.Jump to the instruction after the original call.
Host Functions¶
Invoking a host function has non-deterministic behavior. It may either terminate with a trap or return regularly. However, in the latter case, it must consume and produce the right number and types of WebAssembly values on the stack, according to its function type.
A host function may also modify the store. However, all store modifications must result in an extension of the original store, i.e., they must only modify mutable contents and must not have instances removed. Furthermore, the resulting store must be valid, i.e., all data and code in it is well-typed.
During its execution, a host function call may do any of the following.
Instantiate an arbitrary WebAssembly module.
Allocate a new host function.
Continue execution, possibly spawning a new thread, with no other observable effects.
Terminate with a list of values that respects the host function’s type annotation.
Terminate with a trap.
An expression is evaluated relative to a current frame pointing to its containing module instance.
Jump to the start of the instruction sequence
of the expression.Execute the instruction sequence.
Assert: due to validation, the top of the stack contains a value.
Pop the value
from the stack.
The value
Evaluation iterates this reduction rule until reaching a value. Expressions constituting function bodies are executed during function invocation.