wat2wasm demo

WebAssembly has a text format and a binary format. This demo converts from the text format to the binary format.

Enter WebAssembly text in the textarea on the left. The right side will either show an error, or will show a log with a description of the generated binary file.

Enabled features:
0000000: 0061 736d                                 ; WASM_BINARY_MAGIC
0000004: 0100 0000                                 ; WASM_BINARY_VERSION
; section "Type" (1)
0000008: 01                                        ; section code
0000009: 00                                        ; section size (guess)
000000a: 01                                        ; num types
; func type 0
000000b: 60                                        ; func
000000c: 02                                        ; num params
000000d: 7f                                        ; i32
000000e: 7f                                        ; i32
000000f: 01                                        ; num results
0000010: 7f                                        ; i32
0000009: 07                                        ; FIXUP section size
; section "Function" (3)
0000011: 03                                        ; section code
0000012: 00                                        ; section size (guess)
0000013: 01                                        ; num functions
0000014: 00                                        ; function 0 signature index
0000012: 02                                        ; FIXUP section size
; section "Export" (7)
0000015: 07                                        ; section code
0000016: 00                                        ; section size (guess)
0000017: 01                                        ; num exports
0000018: 06                                        ; string length
0000019: 6164 6454 776f                           addTwo  ; export name
000001f: 00                                        ; export kind
0000020: 00                                        ; export func index
0000016: 0a                                        ; FIXUP section size
; section "Code" (10)
0000021: 0a                                        ; section code
0000022: 00                                        ; section size (guess)
0000023: 01                                        ; num functions
; function body 0
0000024: 00                                        ; func body size (guess)
0000025: 00                                        ; local decl count
0000026: 20                                        ; local.get
0000027: 00                                        ; local index
0000028: 20                                        ; local.get
0000029: 01                                        ; local index
000002a: 6a                                        ; i32.add
000002b: 0b                                        ; end
0000024: 07                                        ; FIXUP func body size
0000022: 09                                        ; FIXUP section size
; section "name"
000002c: 00                                        ; section code
000002d: 00                                        ; section size (guess)
000002e: 04                                        ; string length
000002f: 6e61 6d65                                name  ; custom section name
0000033: 02                                        ; local name type
0000034: 00                                        ; subsection size (guess)
0000035: 01                                        ; num functions
0000036: 00                                        ; function index
0000037: 00                                        ; num locals
0000034: 03                                        ; FIXUP subsection size
000002d: 0a                                        ; FIXUP section size